Radmin License Check



  1. Radmin License Check App
  2. Radmin License Check
  3. Radmin License Check Online
  4. Radmin License Check Tool
  5. Radmin License Check Status

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Licenses that are added to Radmin Server are automaticallyactivated. The activation process can be performed online, manuallyfrom our Internet site or by contacting our sales department.Online activation requires an active Internet connection which willallow HTTP requests from Radmin Server to Famatech ActivationServer. The license code can be added directly to Radmin Server ortransferred to it from any Radmin Viewer.

During activation Radmin Serverwill generate a hardware ID of the computer it is installed on.This hardware ID is based on the computer's hardware components(motherboard, processor, etc). This ID will be sent to FamatechActivation Server along with the specified license code, and anactivated license will be returned that allows Radmin Server to beused only on the computer with the corresponding hardware ID.

Significant changes to thecomputer's hardware configuration will change its hardware ID,which may force Radmin Server to suggest that the computer isdifferent from the one the program was licensed to run on. Completeinformation about safe computer modifications and licensere-acquiring after significant upgrades can be found at ourwebsite: www.radmin.com.

Two types of licenses are available:

  • Product License

    Permits activation and use of Radmin Server. One license of thistype should be added to Radmin Server in order to use it. Thislicense can include multiple connections.

  • Additional Connections License

    Increases the maximum number of allowed simultaneous incomingconnections. Licenses of this type can be added to the RadminServer in order to increase the number of users who can connect toit.

    This license is not valid ifthere is no Product License already added to the Radmin Server.

Online Activation from theserver side

If Radmin Server is installed on a computer with an activeInternet connection, here is how you can activate the license:

Radmin License Check

Radmin License Check App

To activate Radmin Server license:
  1. Access Radmin Serveroptions, the 'Settings for Radmin Server' window will appear( illustration).

    Server options window
  2. Click on the Enter license button, the 'License Code'window will appear ( illustration).
  3. Enter the license code into the 'Enter your license code' editfield and click on the Ok button.
  4. If the activation succeeds, an information window will display'License code is saved' and the license record will appear in the'License information' list.

    In case of activation problems, an error message will appear.Refer to the activation errors list fordetails.

Offline Activation from theserver side

If Radmin Server is installed on a computer without an activeInternet connection, here is how you can activate the license:

To activate Radmin Server license offline:
  1. Access Radmin Serveroptions, the 'Settings for Radmin Server' window will appear( illustration).

    Server options window
  2. Click on the Enter license button, the 'License Code'window will appear ( illustration).
  3. Enter the license code into the 'Enter your license code' editfield and click on the 'manual activation' button. Manualactivation edit fields will become active.
  4. Select the 'select request file' and enter in the field below afilename in which to save the activation request. Use the 'browse'button to select an existing file name using Explorerinterface.
  5. Click on the Ok button. An Activation requestfile will be saved with the specified filename.
  6. Visit the online form at https://activate.famatech.com andfollow the on-screen instructions to supply the Activation requestfile to our server and receive a License file. You can perform thison any computer that has an active Internet connection.
  7. Copy the license file you receive to the computer whereRadmin Server is installed.
  8. Select the 'Use license file' and enter in the field below thename of the file you received, or use the 'browse' button to selectthe file using the Explorer interface.
  9. Click on the Ok button. If the activation succeeds, aninformation window will display 'License code is saved' and thelicense record will appear in the 'License information' list.

    In case of activation problems, and error message will appear.Refer to activation errors list fordetails.

You can activate Radmin Serveroffline remotely using Radmin Server command-lineswitches and Radmin Viewer command-lineswitches.

Alternative activationfrom the client side

If Radmin Server is installed on a computer without an activeInternet connection, you can transfer the activation code to itfrom any Radmin Viewer installed on a computer with an activeInternet connection.

To activate Radmin Server from the client side:
  1. Add a phonebook record for thecomputer with the target Radmin Server installed.
  2. Right-click on the record to display the Record contextmenu( illustration).

    Phonebook connection menu
  3. Choose the License Code Transfer menu item.
  4. Enter the login ID and password according to the target RadminServer security settings. The 'License Request' window ( illustration) will appear.
  5. Use the 'License Request' window as you would during the normalRadmin Server activation described above.

Radmin License Check

Activation errors list

The following error messages can appear if activation fails:

Radmin License Check Online

  • InternetOpen failed

    InternetConnect failed

    HttpOpenRequest failed

    Cannot connect to activation server

    InternetReadFile failed

    Radmin Server was unable to communicate with Famatech ActivationServer on the internet. Make sure that you have active internetconnection and it is configured correctly to allow outgoing HTTPrequest (TCP port 80). Make sure that your network, firewall androuter settings are correct.

  • Invalid format

    Network data received from Famatech Activation Server iscorrupted. Please ensure that your network, firewall and routersettings are correct and all HTTP request / responses are not beingmodified.

  • Can't save data to registry. Check that you have sufficientrights

    Radmin Server was unable to save activation information to thecomputer's registry. Make sure that system security is configuredcorrectly.

  • License code is saved

    Radmin Server was activated successfully.

  • Cannot read hardware ID

    Radmin Server was unable to obtain hardware information aboutyour computer. Make sure that you are using latest and compatibledrivers for all hardware devices. Make sure that system securitysetting are configured correctly. Try to temporarily disable anyvirtual devices.

  • Cannot allocate memory

    Radmin Server was unable to allocate sufficient systemresources. Make sure that your system is configured correctly. Tryto reboot your computer and temporarily close all runningprograms.

  • Invalid license

    Radmin Server license file is corrupted. Make sure that it wasnot corrupted or altered. Try to repeat activation process.

  • Invalid hardware ID

    License code entered was already used to activate Radmin Serveron the different computer. Please contact Famatech technicalsupport.

  • Cannot open file

    Radmin Server was unable to open activation request file orlicense file. Make sure that this file has correct securitysettings. Make sure that your system has correct security settings.Scan your HDD for errors.

  • Cannot save file

    Radmin Server was unable to save a file. Make sure that yoursystem has correct security settings. Scan your HDD for errors.

  • Invalid size of request

    Invalid format of request

    Activation request file specified has invalid format. Make surethat it was not corrupted or altered.

  • Invalid license code

    License code entered is not valid. Make sure you have entered itcorrectly. Try to use copy-paste and make sure no additionalspaces, tabulation symbols and/or characters are present either atbeggining or at the end of license code string.

  • The license code is not for target product

    License code entered is intended for different software. If youhave multiple license codes from Famatech, make sure you are usingcorrect one. Please contact Famatech technical support fordetails.

  • Activation limit is reached for entered license code

    License code was already used to activate Radmin Server on themaximum number of computers allowed by the license. Please contactFamatech technical support for details.

  • Product already has activated product license

    Radmin Server installed on this computer was already activatedusing Product License. Use 'Additional Connections License' toincreases the maximum number of allowed simultaneous incomingconnections.

Payment Options

All major credit cards, bank transfer and check payments are accepted. If you would like to purchase Radmin licenses with a purchase order, please contact us.


Radmin License Check Tool

When you purchase our product you receive your personal license key via email. If you do not receive your license key within two working days, please contact us via the key request form.

Simultaneous connections

The number of simultaneous connections to one Radmin Server 3 is limited by default to 5. This number can be increased by purchasing an Additional 5-Client Access License (5CAL). For more information, please contact us directly.

Help Desk license

Radmin License Check Status

The Help Desk licenses are designed for cases where the remote computers do not belong to the service provider, such as remote tech support and help desk. One Radmin Help Desk license allows connections to a single remote computer that belongs to a third-party client. The minimum purchase is 50 licenses. For more information please contact us.

Educational license

We offer a 33% discount to schools, universities, hospitals, charities and ecological organizations. Eligible Customers. For more information please contact us.

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